

Paweł S.

"Best way possible without beating around the bush."

Paweł S.

Sławomir G.

„I had several Mercedes cars during my 74 years of life, I drove to various car services until I found the Broler. Really worth. Reliable, honest, cheap..”

Sławomir G.

Jacek B.

„...I have not come across such an approach to the Customer anywhere else, it's unbelievable that you can still meet people like that, who can help in a professional and agreeable manner. Prices for parts are very affordable, and, as it turns out, they also service motorcycles ... I recommend them 100%!”

Jacek B.

Grzegorz P.

„Everything is the way it should be. Good contact with the service advisor, the scope of repairs and costs agreed by the phone. The positive surprise - door-to-door service. On a tow truck or on wheels. I do not have a Mercedes, but a Kia fleet - I will transfer it easily.”

Grzegorz P.

Darek L.

„Very fast, efficient service and, above all - from the point of the current epidemic, very safe. Customer service stands are isolated, disinfection agents available, etc. After the inspection the car (Lexus) was washed, cleaned and OZONATED!!! I do recommend!!!”

Darek L.

Jarosław R.

„Hello, I ordered the company to replace the brake pads on the front axle on the Mercedes V-Class 220D 4Matic 2018 with a mileage of 45,000 km. Repair done correctly. I recommend the BS Broler car repair shop.”

Jarosław R.

Jakub B.

„Fast and accurate diagnosis. Information on works conducted on the car is provided on an ongoing basis.”

Jakub B.


„The car service did all activities in an impeccable manner, contact with the service advisors I rate as very good, the repair quote, the culture and the manner of handing over the car are at the highest level. The price is adequate to the provided service, and most importantly in line with the arrangements made during the verification (Mercedes SLK). The car was washed and ozonated. Now I have a functional and sterile car.”


Mikołaj S.

„The car was repaired very quickly. Agreeable staff. I like it very much, that you can solve problems by SMS and that I got a link with photos showing those problems. This is probably the best service I've ever met.”

Mikołaj S.

Ania P.

„Quickly, efficiently (Peugeot 308) and very pleasant, with keeping all "coronavirus standards".”

Ania P.


„I had a problem with the car's electronics (Mercedes E-Class) and was looking for a mechanic to fix it, but no one understood the topic. A colleague gave me phone number to the service that repairs Mercedes, I made an appointment and went there. The service technician asked some questions and answered what should be done. After a while, the car was done. They will help, give an advice, great service.”



„Very nice and professional service, very high quality of realization (Audi A6).”


Cezary K.

„Recommendable workshop, efficient, friendly staff. The service was provided with care and accuracy (Mercedes W210). Affordable prices.”

Cezary K.

Krzysztof P.

„Professional service for reasonable money. Highly recommend. Thank you for your hard work.”

Krzysztof P.

Mariusz G., Bracia Goźlińscy

„I issue my opinion after several years of good cooperation between Broler Bosch Service and Bavaria Racing Power. I recommend it for purchasing parts or repair service. It's nice to work with the best! Greetings and I wish us long and fruitful cooperation.”

Mariusz G., Bracia Goźlińscy

Sławomir S.

„I do recommend. The purchased new part, original,  was cheaper than the one on "expensive Alledrogo".”

Sławomir S.

Jerzy S.

„The best service on Earth.”

Jerzy S.

Wiesław K.

„Super service. When it’s about Bosch – than it’s Broler. I do recommend it, it was fast, professionally and effectively. Good price in a good service, and the most important is, that it will be FOR A LONG TIME!!”

Wiesław K.

Magdalena Sz.

„Sensational professionals who know their profession. They advised us the perfect solution and gave us the treatment as "royals". We are happy to come back to them even with the smallest thing!”

Magdalena Sz.

Robert K.

„I recommend!! Professional service, beautiful and well-kept cars.”

Robert K.

Iwona K.

„I sincerely recommend, a nice place to repair cars, additionally not only Mercedes, also other brands.”

Iwona K.

Karolina K.

„Full professionalism. Very good, individual approach to the Client. Agreeable and competent staff. Car ready the next day. I sincerely recommend.”

Karolina K.

Jarosław D.

„Reliably and with a guarantee!!!”

Jarosław D.

Adam Cz.

„Fully professionally.”

Adam Cz.

Zofia Z.

„I highly recommend this car showroom for its professionalism and very high service quality.”

Zofia Z.

Ewa S.

„In another car service they wanted to "clean me out". Thank you Broler Bosch Service for help, professional approach and restoration of "horsepower" to my princess!!!”

Ewa S.

Ewelina D.

„Car and customer service at the highest level!!!”

Ewelina D.

Krzysztof K.

„A friendly approach to the Customer, understanding problems and finding solutions, even if the official factory service refuses to help."

Krzysztof K.

Janusz Tylman - composer and pianist, film, theatrical music and musical author

"I have been a customer of Broler Service for around 15 years. I am servicing my third car in a row and I am always met with kindness and sympathy. I can confidently say that we are friends. This applies both to the owner - Zbyszek and the staff. A friend in need is a friend indeed. It was in "need" that Zbyszek Broler helped me when I was suddenly left without a car (due to an accident). He immediately got me another vehicle, not caring about finances. He knew how much I needed a car for my work. When we celebrated the 15th anniversary of the company, I felt as if I was a part of it. I know that I can always count on their assistance, regardless of the time or deadline. After those many years, we know each other very well. We always discuss personal or professional matters, problems and successes. And these are not trite conversation, but friendly and warm. We trust each other and never abuse that trust. Any technical problems are solved in a friendly atmosphere, which I find very comfortable. I know that in matters concerning my car, I have nothing to worry about. The company evolves and changes, but friendly relations remain the same. I am happy for them and keep my fingers crossed for the future."

Janusz Tylman - composer and pianist, film, theatrical music and musical author

Daniel S.

"Three generations speak for themselves. I strongly recommend it."

Daniel S.

Cezary M.

"Professionally since always, I RECOMMEND it!"

Cezary M.

Piotr N.

"I strongly recommend it, 100% professional and 110 % of satisfaction."

Piotr N.

Paweł P.

"The gentlemen have a heart for cars. Prices are very affordable, and quality, incomparably higher than the competition."

Paweł P.

Wojciech K.

"I definitely recommend it to all owners of Mercedes’ and other cars, professional, solid service and a large selection of good auto parts at affordable prices."

Wojciech K.

Mikołaj K.

"Professional and agreeable staff, affordable prices and high quality. That's why I've been with you for 9 years. Thank you!"

Mikołaj K.

Mariusz L.

"A solid company, best staff, great service! I recommend it to all demanding Customers, in particular Mercedes users!!!"

Mariusz L.


„The best car workshop I've been to. Full professionalism. Repair (Opel Astra G) made with great attention to detail, very friendly customer service.”


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* Wyrażam zgodę na otrzymywanie drogą elektroniczną informacji handlowych w rozumieniu ustawy z dnia 18 lipca 2002 r. o świadczeniu usług drogą elektroniczną (tekst jedn. Dz.U. z 2013 r. poz. 1422 z późn. zm.) o treści marketingowej pochodzących od Broler Bosch Service.

* Wyrażam zgodę na wykorzystywanie przez Broler Bosch Service telekomunikacyjnych urządzeń końcowych i automatycznych systemów wywołujących dla celów marketingu bezpośredniego w rozumieniu przepisów ustawy z dnia 16 lipca 2014 r. - Prawo telekomunikacyjne (tekst jedn. Dz.U. 2014 poz. 243 z późn. zm.).

Administratorem Danych jest Broler Bosch Service z siedzibą w Warszawie przy ul. Rzemieślników 5/7, 03-684 Warszawa. Pani/Pana dane osobowe przetwarzane będą wyłącznie w celach wskazanych powyżej. Bez Pani/Pana zgody dane osobowe nie będą udostępniane odbiorcom danych w rozumieniu art. 7 pkt 6 ustawy z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie danych osobowych (tekst jedn. Dz. U. z 2015 r. poz. 2135 z późn. zm.). Przysługuje Pani/Panu prawo dostępu do treści danych oraz możliwość ich poprawiania. Udzielenie zgody jest dobrowolne. Udzielona zgoda w każdym czasie może być odwołana. Cofnięcie zgody, żądanie zaprzestania przetwarzania danych osobowych powinny być skierowane na adres e-mail:

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